The Studios offer eleven air-conditioned production offices with a total area of 3337 sq metres (35,927 sq ft). Each office includes a large open plan work area together with individual offices. High speed internet connectivity is available at the Studios. Areas can be networked together to suit your requirements. Charges will apply for usage. The hiring rate includes furniture and phone handsets. Charges will apply for use of electricity, telephone, data and air conditioning plus a 15% admin service charge. Telephone and data call charges are monitored daily and invoiced weekly, including a 15% plant and equipment service fee.
Production Office Facilities
Production Offices
Area Square Feet
Area Square Meters

Production Area 1
Production Area 1 is located in the Administration Building and can be connected to Production Area 2.

Production Area 2
Production Area 2 is located in the Administration Building and can be connected to Production Area 1 and Production Area 3.

Production Area 3
Production Area 3 is located in the Administration Building and can be connected to Production Area 2.